快活林资源网 Design By www.csstdc.com
类代码 (cls.asp)

Class clsThief

Private strUrl    ' 偷取地址
Private strValue  ' 偷取的内容,所有内容
Private strResult ' 偷取结果,可以具体某一块内容
Private flag      ' 是否已经偷过

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

Public Property Let url(ByVal iurl)
    strUrl = iurl
End Property

public property get value 
end property

public property get result 
end property

private Function BytesToBstr(body,Cset) 
    dim objstream
    set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
    objstream.Type = 1
    objstream.Mode =3
    objstream.Write body
    objstream.Position = 0
    objstream.Type = 2
    objstream.Charset = Cset
    BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText 
    set objstream = nothing
End Function

private Function Ichange(str)
    Dim finalStr
 Dim icharCode
 Dim inextCode
    For i = 1 To lenb(str)
        icharCode = ascb(midb(str,i,1))
        If icharCode < &H80 Then
            finalStr = finalStr & chr(icharCode)
            inextCode = ascb(midb(str,i+1,1))
            finalstr = finalstr & chr(clng(icharCode) * &H100 + cint(inextCode))
            i = i + 1
        End If
Ichange = finalStr
End Function

Public sub Seize()
    if strUrl<>"" then
     dim iconnect
  Set iconnect = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        iconnect.open "GET",strUrl,false 

  strValue = BytesToBSTR(iconnect.responseBody,"GB2312")
  set iconnect = nothing
  if err.number<>0 then err.Clear
 end if
end sub

Public sub Assay(head,headCusor,bot,botCusor)
    if flag = false then call Seize()
    if instr(strValue,head) and instr(strValue,bot) then
  dim inum
  inum = len(strValue)-instr(strValue,head)-len(head)-headCusor
     inum = instr(strValue,bot)-1+botCusor
  strResult = "没有匹配到相关记录,请检查开始标记代码是否唯一"
    end if 
end sub

public sub Shift() 
if flag= false then call Seize()
    strResult=replace(replace(strResult , vbCr,""),vbLf,"")
end sub

Public sub Change(oldStr,newStr)
    if flag=false then call Seize()
 strResult = replace(strResult,oldStr,newStr)
end sub

public sub pickByReg(patrn) 
    if isGet_= false then call Seize()
    dim tempReg,match,matches,content
    set tempReg=new RegExp
    set matches=tempReg.execute(value_)
    for each match in matches
    set matches=nothing
    set tempReg=nothing
end sub

Public sub CheckFile(folderName,fileName)
    dim url
 Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if fs.FolderExists(server.MapPath("./")&"\"&folderName&"\"&fileName) then 
     set fs = nothing
  url = folderName&"/"&fileName
  response.write url
  'response.redirect url
 end if
end sub

Public sub MakeFile(folderName,fileName)
    Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    if folderName<>"" then
     if not fs.FolderExists(server.MapPath("/"&folderName&"/")) then 
            response.write "文件不存在"
         response.write "文件存在"
        end if
 end if

    Set CrFi=fs.CreateTextFile(server.MapPath("./")&"\"&folderName&"\"&fileName)
    set CrFi=nothing
    set fs=nothing
 dim url
 url = folderName&"/"&fileName
    response.redirect url

end sub

public sub look()
    dim tempstr
    tempstr="<SCRIPT>function runEx(){var winEx2 = window.open("""", ""winEx2"", ""width=500,height=300,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes""); winEx2.document.open(""text/html"", ""replace""); winEx2.document.write(unescape(event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0].value)); winEx2.document.close(); }function saveFile(){var win=window.open('','','top=10000,left=10000');win.document.write(document.all.asdf.innerText);win.document.execCommand('SaveAs','','javascript.htm');win.close();}</SCRIPT><center><TEXTAREA id=asdf name=textfield rows=32  wrap=VIRTUAL cols=""120"">"&strResult&"</TEXTAREA><BR><BR><INPUT name=Button onclick=runEx() type=button value=""查看效果"">&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT name=Button onclick=asdf.select() type=button value=""全选"">&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT name=Button onclick=""asdf.value=''"" type=button value=""清空"">&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT onclick=saveFile(); type=button value=""保存代码""></center>"
end sub

end class


<!--#Include File="cls.asp"-->
  dim myThief,value
  set myThief = new clsThief   '实例化类
  myThief.CheckFile "","index.html"  '检测是否已经偷过并生成
  myThief.url="http://www.sohu.com"  '目标URL
  myThief.Seize                                                   '开始偷取
  myThief.Assay "<html>","-7","</html>","7"        '剪切标记
  myThief.Change "择优","浪人"                        '进行替换
  value = myThief.result                                      '最后得到的内容
  myThief.MakeFile "","index.html"                      '生成文件
  set myThief = nothing
  'response.write value
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快活林资源网 Design By www.csstdc.com