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  Herbal Extract

Stevia Extract

Stevia sugar features high sweetness and low calorie and its sweetness is 200-350 times of that of cane sugar but its calorie is only 1/300 of that of cane sugar.

Gardenia Blue

Gardenia Blue, a natural food pigment, is got from the gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides ELLIS) fruit of madder family by biological fermentation.

Herbal Extracts Products List

Stereocaulon Paschale - Herbal ExtractsStereocaulon Paschale

Abbr. Name: Eastern coral extracts

Eastern coral extracts is a period in which China's growth forests, wild East Daxinganlingcoral sticks (alias. Shi parasitic Oriental clothing, finger coral pieces)as raw...

Thesium Chinense Extract - Herbal ExtractsThesium Chinense Extract

Abbr. Name: Thesium extract

The English name: thesium extract Thesium chinense takes the things that are the wild thesium chinense which growsin the Chinese Daxinanling virgin forest (alias, a pine...

Thamnolia Vermicularis - Herbal ExtractsThamnolia Vermicularis

Abbr. Name: Thamnolia Vermicularis Powder

Daxinganling tea extract from China the growth of wild forests to come to tea (alias,roundworm like lichens, Taibai tea. Ice tea) as raw material, SupercriticalCO2 extrac...

Umbilicaria Tornata - Herbal ExtractsUmbilicaria Tornata

Abbr. Name: Umbilicaria Tornata Extract

Umbilicaria tornata had on the growth of China's wild forests DaXingAnLing as rawmaterials, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of the introduction of moderntechnolog...

Thamnolia Subuliformis - Herbal ExtractsThamnolia Subuliformis

Abbr. Name: Thamnolia Subuliformis Powder

Thamnolia subuliformis is present on the dry beach ridge crests as fragments of whitethallus branches that appear to be effectively wind dispersed. Dicranum elongatumgrow...

Umbilicaria Esculenta - Herbal ExtractsUmbilicaria Esculenta

Abbr. Name: Umbilicaria Esculenta Powder

Inhibitory activity toward beta-glucosidase was detected in extracts of the lichen,umbilicaria esculenta. The extract showed strong inhibition of disaccharide hydrolytice...

Dandelion Extract - Herbal ExtractsDandelion Extract

Abbr. Name: Dandelion P.E.

It is a general stimulant to the system, but especially to the urinary organs, andis chiefly used in kidney and liver disorders. We can supply Dandelion P.E. atany quanti...

Elm Bark Extract - Herbal ExtractsElm Bark Extract

Abbr. Name: Elm Bark powder

Today slippery elm bark extract is used in connection with sore throats, respiratoryirritations, gastrointestinal conditions, and ulcers. It is used externallyas a poulti...

Male Silk Moth Extract - Herbal ExtractsMale Silk Moth Extract

Abbr. Name: Male Silk Moth Powder

Male silk moth extract has a long history in China of being used as a male sex tonic.Rich in unique proteins and male hormones, male silk moth is conducive to thenormal g...

Usnea Longissima - Herbal ExtractsUsnea Longissima

Abbr. Name: Usnea Longissima Extract

Its main distribution is in lowland areas with isolated forested hills. Presentlyit is a boreal lichen, but previously it also occurred in Fagus sylvatica forestsin south...

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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel : (86)592 8238993 Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : service@csstdc.com

Herbal Extract Products Update

Hibiscus Extract Powder - 2025/3/6
   Product Name: Hibiscus P.E. Plant Origin: Hibiscus sabdariffa Specification: Extract Ratio: 5:1 Hibiscus grows in tropical areas throughout the world, and has been used not just as an ornament, but also medicinally for centuries. The part of this plant used medicinally is the flower. The Hibiscus flower is made into a tea in numerous cultures throughout the world. Hibiscus has a mild flavor and has many culinary uses. Action: 1.Hibiscus was used by the Chinese to treat dandruff and stimulate hair growth...
Unit 607, No.8-16, Hexiang West Road, Siming District, Xiamen, China
Tel : (86)592 8238993 Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : service@csstdc.com
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