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  Herbal Extract

Stevia Extract

Stevia sugar features high sweetness and low calorie and its sweetness is 200-350 times of that of cane sugar but its calorie is only 1/300 of that of cane sugar.

Gardenia Blue

Gardenia Blue, a natural food pigment, is got from the gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides ELLIS) fruit of madder family by biological fermentation.

Herbal Extracts Products List

White Willow Bark Extract - Herbal ExtractsWhite Willow Bark Extract

Abbr. Name: White Willow Bark powder

Relieve acute and chronic pain, including headache, back and neck pain, muscle aches,and menstrual cramps; control arthritis discomforts. We can supply white willowbark P...

Sphagnum Girgensohnii - Herbal ExtractsSphagnum Girgensohnii

Abbr. Name: Sphagnum Girgensohnii extract

Girgensohn's peat moss is distinguished by large, yet slender, flat-topped, greenplants with stem leaves that look like they were cut with pinking shears. A similarspecie...

Sorbaria Sorbifolia - Herbal ExtractsSorbaria Sorbifolia

Abbr. Name: false spiraea extract

The English name: false spiraea extract Deciduous shrub, 5 to 10 feet tall and wide (1.5-3 m); deep green leaves, similarto the Mountain Ash (Sorbus), 6 to 12 inches long...

Schisandra Extract - Herbal ExtractsSchisandra Extract

Abbr. Name: Schisandra Powder

The Alias: Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, Chinese Magnoliavine ExtractThe Latin name: schisandra chinensisSchisandra extract has been found useful for the following purpo...

Securinega Extract - Herbal ExtractsSecurinega Extract

Abbr. Name: securinega suffruticosa

The Latin name: securinega suffruticosa Shrubs 1-3 meters high. Mycobacterium, the branchlets of light green, with no fuzz. Round to oval leaves a long, pointed tip anxio...

Baical Skullcap Root Extract - Herbal ExtractsBaical Skullcap Root Extract

Abbr. Name: Baical Skullcap Root powder

The Alias: skullcap extract, , Baicalin The Latin name: scutellaria baicalensis Chinese scullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is different from a related plant called Americ...

Sphagnum Palustre - Herbal ExtractsSphagnum Palustre

Abbr. Name: Sphagnum Palustre Powder

Usually found in bogs, on wet grassland or ground under forests, or even on rocksand humic soil near streams. This species is fairly common along Tatlow Trail inStanley P...

Sphagnum Teres - Herbal ExtractsSphagnum Teres

Abbr. Name: Sphagnum Teres P.E.

Plants rather slender, yellowish green or brown, in loose carpets. Stem cortex in 3-4 layers, hyaline cells thin-walled, without fibrils or pores, sometimes with a single...

Usnea Diffracta - Herbal ExtractsUsnea Diffracta

Abbr. Name: Usnea Diffracta powder

Usnea is not a plant but rather a fruticose lichen combination of two kinds of organisms,fungus and alga, growing in a symbiotic union. Some Usnea species reproduceby sor...

Trollius Chinensis Extract - Herbal ExtractsTrollius Chinensis Extract

Abbr. Name: globeflower extract

The Alias: Trollius chinensis BgeThe English name: globeflower extractTrollius chinensis extracts are extracted by advanced CO2 supercritical extractiontechnology from wi...

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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel : (86)592 8238993 Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : service@csstdc.com

Herbal Extract Products Update

Hibiscus Extract Powder - 2025/3/6
   Product Name: Hibiscus P.E. Plant Origin: Hibiscus sabdariffa Specification: Extract Ratio: 5:1 Hibiscus grows in tropical areas throughout the world, and has been used not just as an ornament, but also medicinally for centuries. The part of this plant used medicinally is the flower. The Hibiscus flower is made into a tea in numerous cultures throughout the world. Hibiscus has a mild flavor and has many culinary uses. Action: 1.Hibiscus was used by the Chinese to treat dandruff and stimulate hair growth...
Unit 607, No.8-16, Hexiang West Road, Siming District, Xiamen, China
Tel : (86)592 8238993 Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : service@csstdc.com
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