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  Herbal Extract

Stevia Extract

Stevia sugar features high sweetness and low calorie and its sweetness is 200-350 times of that of cane sugar but its calorie is only 1/300 of that of cane sugar.

Gardenia Blue

Gardenia Blue, a natural food pigment, is got from the gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides ELLIS) fruit of madder family by biological fermentation.

Herbal Extracts Products List

Geranium Extract - Herbal ExtractsGeranium Extract

Abbr. Name: geranium wilfordii

When summer and autumn, geranium wilfordii nearly ripe fruit will be to tap, wouldwrap regard, dried. It can cure diarrhea and rheumatism, numbness acupuncture,muscles ac...

Funaria Hygrometrica - Herbal ExtractsFunaria Hygrometrica

Abbr. Name: Sphagnum Girgensohnii extract

Funaria hygrometrica is moss, undersized plants, up to 3 cm high, sparsely or densely bushes, fresh green. leaves and more sets were born in upper lotiform-stem, leaf tip...

Lilium Pumilum - Herbal ExtractsLilium Pumilum

Abbr. Name: Lilium Pumilum P.E.

The content level of effective materials is up to 96%. This product has beenexported to EU, Japan, South-East Asia etc .The physical level and microbiologicallevel can me...

Gastrodia Extract - Herbal ExtractsGastrodia Extract

Abbr. Name: Gastrodia powder

The Latin: gastrodia elata Gastrodine (also called gastrodin) is an extract from the tuber of gastrodia elatablume, an east-Asian orchid. It's been used in traditional C...

Sweet Fennel Extract - Herbal ExtractsSweet Fennel Extract

Abbr. Name: Sweet Fennel P.E.

Sweet fennel extract can builds painkillers, nourishing stomach. Also for abdominal pain, testicular side crash, dysmenorrhea, abdominal distention pain, eat less, vomit...

Huperzia Serrata - Herbal ExtractsHuperzia Serrata

Abbr. Name: Huperzia Serrata powder

Huperzia serrata is luxuriant plants, it has the total of eight varieties of medicinalplants in China. China is the biggest wild sugihara. Middle extract from theplant hu...

Licorice Extract - Herbal ExtractsLicorice Extract

Abbr. Name: glycyrrhiza uralensis

Glycyrrhiza uralensis P. E has a long history of medicinal use in Europe and Asia.At high doses, there are potentially severe side effect, including hypertension(high blo...

Gentian Extract - Herbal ExtractsGentian Extract

Abbr. Name: Gentian P.E.

The Latin:gentiana scabra Gentianascabra Bge.extracts are extracted by advanced CO2 supercritical extractiontechnology from wild Gentianascabra Bge. origin of DaXingAnLi...

Polygonatum Odoratum - Herbal ExtractsPolygonatum Odoratum

Abbr. Name: Polygonatum Odoratum powder

Polygonatum odoratum can dabble the feverish, restrain thirst. Yam for the correlationof lung and stomach injuries, feverish coughs, oppressed feeling thirsty,heat diabet...

Philonotis Fontana - Herbal ExtractsPhilonotis Fontana

Abbr. Name: Philonotis Fontana powder

The English name: philonotis moss extract Philonotis fontana is a kind of whole plant of Moss-Moss Zemin plants. The efficacyof philonotis fontana is detoxifcation. It h...

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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel : (86)592 8238993 Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : service@csstdc.com

Herbal Extract Products Update

Hibiscus Extract Powder - 2025/3/6
   Product Name: Hibiscus P.E. Plant Origin: Hibiscus sabdariffa Specification: Extract Ratio: 5:1 Hibiscus grows in tropical areas throughout the world, and has been used not just as an ornament, but also medicinally for centuries. The part of this plant used medicinally is the flower. The Hibiscus flower is made into a tea in numerous cultures throughout the world. Hibiscus has a mild flavor and has many culinary uses. Action: 1.Hibiscus was used by the Chinese to treat dandruff and stimulate hair growth...
Unit 607, No.8-16, Hexiang West Road, Siming District, Xiamen, China
Tel : (86)592 8238993 Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : service@csstdc.com
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